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Federal Firearms License in North Carolina: SOT and FFL Licensing

FFL and SOT Law and Licensing in North Carolina

Federal Firearms License in North Carolina: SOT and FFL Licensing

Getting a Federal Firearms License in North Carolina:

Federal Firearms LicenseIf you are looking to start a business dealing firearms in North Carolina, you may know you are required to obtain a Federal Firearms License or FFL. James Barrett Wilson and Associates are FFL and SOT compliance attorneys and counsel for all of North Carolina. The FFL license is mandatory before a person or business can become involved in either the selling or transferring of firearms. In order to get involved with selling or transferring NFA items, an existing FFL license holder needs to also obtain an SOT. SOT stands for Special Occupational Tax, and must be paid in order to become involved in the selling or transferring of items like suppressors. Perhaps you are already a FFL and need guidance obtaining the SOT Stamp which also must be in your possession.

Both FFL and SOT involve yearly compliance visits and audits from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. We are a law firm that will help you get it right the first time and then assist you all along the way whether your business is importing, exporting, manufacturing and/or you operate a North Carolina retail shop and/or do business at North Carolina gun shows. Our law firm can help you adhere to zoning laws and local ordinances as well as or advise you on operating your business consistent with BAFTE requirements.

James Barrett Wilson and Associates can assist you through what forms to submit for proper licensing. If you plan to deal in Class 3 firearms that fall under the National Firearms Act, which include short-barreled rifles, automatic weapons and accessories such as suppressors, it all must be done correctly. Interested parties must obtain a Federal Firearms License as well as completing your SOT document related to the occupational tax for items that fall under the National Firearms Act. Though the process does take time, we can guide and help you complete and submit all the necessary paperwork for your successful North Carolina firearms business.

For a broad array of firearms and 2nd Amendment legal services including North Carolina’s favorite NFA Gun Trust, visit:

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